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Letter from the Rectory

November 2007

Rector of LlandudnoThe party political conference season may be over for this year, but our ‘Conference Season’ is just beginning!  In fact, this month there are two conferences which I hope will be interesting and informative and worth giving time to.

The first is our parish Autumn Conference which, this year, is entitled Baptism in the 21st Century.  It will be held on the afternoon of Sunday 18th November, beginning at 12.45 pm and ending at 3.45 pm.  The idea is that those who wish to do so may eat a packed lunch during coffee time after the Sung Eucharist and be ready to start when those not taking part in the conference have gone home.

But why have a conference on Baptism?  The Church in Wales has recently authorized new services of initiation (i.e. Baptism, Confirmation etc.) which we have already begun to use in the parish, and this is therefore an ideal moment to have a fresh look at what baptism means and how we actually administer it.  So, on Sunday 18th we shall begin by having a look at the new baptism service and what it teaches us about the meaning of the sacrament.  We’ll then move on to think about how we can best celebrate it with both adult and infant candidates and how we can encourage them and their families in the Christian life afterwards.  You may feel that Baptism is no concern of yours, especially if you are not directly concerned with this side of parish life.  If so, please think again.  The celebration of this sacrament must be of concern to all baptized members of Christ, as should be the way we welcome new members to our fellowship.  So do come along on the 18th.

Secondly, on Thursday 29th November at 7.30 pm, Cytûn Llandudno will be holding its autumn conference.  This year, as President of Cytûn, I have had the privilege of organizing this Conference and have chosen, as the subject, a Christian response to the challenge of environmental issues.  So, on the 29th, the Revd Robin Morrison, advisor on Church and Society to the Bishops of the Church in Wales, will lead us in considering ‘The Environment – a Christian Calling’.  Environmental issues are at the forefront of our minds these days and, as Christians, we know that God has given us the responsibility to care for the world around us.  So this promises to be an interesting and stimulating evening.

Please do take the opportunity to take part in one or both of these Conferences, which I hope will enable us to grow in our commitment to Christ, to each other and to the world of which we are part. 


                                                                                          Fr John.

Previous letters:

January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007