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Letter from the Rectory

January 2007

Do you make New Year resolutions?  I don’t - in my experience they last a few days (or at most a few weeks) and then get quickly forgotten!  However, the beginning of a new year, with or without resolutions, does mark a new stage in all our lives and we naturally find ourselves wondering what the next twelve months will bring - joy or sorrow, sickness or health, unforeseen problems or unexpected delights.  Or maybe we’ll have a little of them all!     

Of course we can’t know what will happen to us or to our troubled world in 2007 – and it’s a good job that we can’t!  But what we do know as Christians is that whatever happens to us, God will be with us through it all; he won’t leave us to face things alone.  We need have no fear. 

Louise Haskins in her famous poem ‘The Gate of the Year’ puts it like this:

And I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year:
‘Give me a light, that I may tread safely into the unknown!’
And he replied:
‘Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the Hand of God.
That shall be to you better than light and safer than a known way.’
So, I went forth, and finding the Hand of God, trod gently into the night.
And He led me toward the hills and the breaking of the day in the lone East.

So we can go into the New Year with confidence!  Perhaps resolutions are a waste of time but it is certainly a good thing to have some priorities for the year ahead, to think out what is really important in our lives.  May I suggest that these might be to get to know God better in 2007 by giving Him more of ourselves in terms of prayer and worship?  Happy New Year!      

Fr. John