Parish of Llandudno

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Events at Holy Trinity Church in 2015

Cornerstone logo150th Anniversary of the laying of the Cornerstone of Holy Trinity Church

The Anniversary year was celebrated with a programme of special services and events, as listed here. There are more details of individual events further down this page.

Sunday 11th January: The Baptism of Christ
To open the year of celebration:
10.30 am     Sung Eucharist with the Blessing of Water and Rededication. Preacher: The Venerable Paul Davies,Archdeacon of Bangor
Wednesday 11th March
Parish Pilgrimage to the Shrine of St. David, Patron of Wales
Saturday 30th and Sunday 31st May
'Christ our Cornerstone' - The Church will be open for displays on the history, life and work of Holy Trinity Church and the Parish of  Llandudno
Trinity Sunday, 31st May - Patronal Festival
10.30 am Sung Eucharist, Confirmation and Dedication of the new HolyTrinity Banner. Celebrant and Preacher:The Right Reverend Andrew John, Bishop of Bangor
12.00 noon Cheese and Wine Reception to launch John Horsfield's book on the history of Holy Trinity Church
Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th July
Anniversary Weekend
Saturday: Fun Day, 10.00 am - 4.00 pm - all children and families welcome
10.30 am Sung Eucharist
12.30 pm Buffet Lunch - admission by (free) ticket; details to be announced
 2.30 pm Anniversary Service. Preacher:The Most Reverend Dr. Barry Morgan, Archbishop of  Wales
Schools' Concert - date and details to be announced
Saturday 12th September
Celebration of Marriage, Friendship and all relationships
2.00 pm Service of Thanksgiving during which vows and commitments may be renewed; followed by tea in the Church Hall
Sunday 1st November
7.30 pm Liturgical performance of Faure's Requiem
Friday 18th - Tuesday 22nd December
Christmas Tree Festival

Christmas tree outside Holy TrinityAngel in Holy Trinity

Christmastide Services 2015

Sunday 6th     4.00 pm     Christingle Service
Friday 18th     10.00 am    Opening Service of Christmas Tree Festival
                       6.30 pm     Carols around the outside Christmas Tree
Sunday 20th    3.00 pm     Carols by Candlelight at St. Tudno's
                       4.30 pm    
Carols by Candlelight at St. Tudno's
                       6.00 pm     Carols by Candlelight at St. Tudno's
Christmas Eve, Thursday 24th   
                       11.00 am    Holy Eucharist
                       5.00 pm      Crib Service
                       11.30 pm    Midnight Mass
Christmas Day, Friday 25th
                      8.00 am     Holy Eucharist
                     10.30 am    Christmas Day Eucharist with Carols


Christmas Tree Festival, 18 - 22 December

Christmas tree festival
Christmas tree festival
Christmas tree festival
Christmas tree festival
Christmas tree festival
Christmas tree festival
Christmas tree festival
Christmas tree festival

Cornerstone logo
Christmas trees were decorated by different groups from the church and the town and this was the final event in the year of celebrations for the 150th anniversary of the laying of the cornerstone at Holy Trinity. 


Carols around the Christmas tree

Carols around the Christmas tree   Handbell ringers at Christmas tree

On Friday 18 December, as part of the Christmas Tree Festival, carols were sung around the outside Christmas tree and the handbell ringers played some carols.

Remembrance 2015
The church was full for the Civic Remembrance Service on Sunday 8 November, which was followed by the parade to the Cenotaph. 

Remembrance Sunday poster

Requiem Eucharist
Sunday 1 November

All Souls was celebrated with a Requiem Eucharist accompanied by a musical liturgical performance of the Requiem by Gabriel Faure.  The service included an opportunity for members of the congregation to light a candle in memory of a loved one.  This service was part of Holy Trinity's 150th Anniversary celebrations. 
Cornerstone logo
Requiem Eucharist for All Souls

Requiem Eucharist for All Souls

Harvest Festival
Sunday 11 October

Harvest Festival was celebrated with a family service involving members of the children and young families group. The church was decorated with flowers, fruit and vegetables and gifts of food were given for Conwy Food Bank.

Harvest Festival decorations            Harvest Festival decorations
Harvest Festival decorations
Harvest Festival decorations

Harvest Festival decorations
Harvest Festival decorations

Harvest Festival decorations

Arllechwedd Deanery Service
Saturday 10 October

The ancient Deanery of Arllechwedd has now been replaced by a new Deanery, covering a much wider area.  Representatives of parishes in the old Deanery gathered for a bilingual Eucharist at Holy Trinity to mark the end of the Deanery.  The service was led by the Rector, the last Area Dean of Arllechwedd, and the address was given by his predecessor, Canon Peter Jones. 

Arllechwedd Deanery Service

A celebration of marriage, love and friendship
Saturday 12 September, 2.30 pm

This was a special service to celebrate marriage, love and friendship.  The service started by celebrating the gift of marriage and there was an opportunity for any married couples who wished to do so to renew their marriage vows and their commitment to each other.  The service then continued with a celebration of other human relationships, particularly friendship, and any couples and friends were warmly invited to take part in this service. 

The Llandudno branch of the Mothers’ Union was involved in planning the service and the members were delighted that the Mothers’ Union Welsh Provincial President, Ann Gill, took part in the service. 
150th anniversary logo
As well as floral decorations in the church there were displays of wedding dresses and photographs to be seen after the service. 

This service was part of the church’s 150th anniversary celebrations.

Display at Marriage and Friendship Service
MU Persidents at Marriage and Friendship Service
Display at Marriage and Friendship Service

Display at Marriage and Friendship Service

Display at Marriage and Friendship Service

Renewal of Marriage Vows

Organ Concerts
The lunchtime organ concerts in August were again a success and helped to raise money for the Organ Fund.

Organ concerts poster

Anniversary Weekend
Anniversary Service, Sunday 5 July

150th anniversary service
150th anniversary service
150th anniversary service
150th anniversary service
150th anniversary service
150th anniversary service
150th anniversary service
150th anniversary service
150th anniversary service

150th anniversary logoThe special Anniversary Service was held at 2.20 pm and the guest preacher was the Archbishop of Wales, the Most Reverend Barry Morgan.  The service was attended by a number of special guests, including visiting clergy and local politicians.  A choir from three junoir schools in the parish performed during the service.  The service ended with dedication of a plaque to commemorate the 150th anniversary. 

Anniversary Weekend
Fun Day, Saturday 4 July

Family Fun Day
Family Fun Day
Family Fun Day
Family Fun Day

Cornerstone logo
Many families enjoyed the day in lovely weather, with a bouncy castle, crafts and face painting, a puppet show and a very popular performance by Roly the Clown. 

Christ the Cornerstone weekend
Saturday 30th and Sunday 31st May Cornerstone exhibition poster

'Christ our Cornerstone' - The Church was open for displays on the history, life and work of Holy Trinity Church and the Parish of  Llandudno.  Displaye were complimented with flower arrangements. 

Trinity Sunday, 31st May - Patronal Festival

10.30 am Sung Eucharist, Confirmation and Dedication of the new HolyTrinity Banner.

Celebrant and Preacher:The Right Reverend Andrew John, Bishop of Bangor

12.00 noon Cheese and Wine Reception to launch John Horsfield's book on the history of Holy Trinity Church

Cornerstone logo

Cornerstone exhibition display - cross
Cornerstone exhibition display - clergy
Cornerstone exhibition display - Lady Mostyn

Cornerstone exhibition display - church music
Cornerstone exhibition - new banner
Cornerstone exhibition - new book
New book on the history of Holy Trinity - available in the church for £5.00

Holy Week and Easter


Sun 29th
Palm Sunday 8.00 am Holy Eucharist with Blessing of Palms
10.30 am Palm Procession & Sung Eucharist
5.00 pm Evening Prayer
Tues 31st Tuesday of Holy Week 7.30pm Stations of the Cross followed by informal ‘table’ Eucharist

Weds 1st Wednesday of Holy Week 9.00am Holy Eucharist
7.00pm Service of Light and Shadows at
St. Tudno's, during which the old Paschal candle is extinguished.
Thurs 2nd Maundy Thursday 11.00am Chrism Eucharist in the Cathedral
7.30pm Eucharist of the Last Supper, including washing of feet, followed stripping of the altar and Vigil until 10.00pm
Fri 3rd Good Friday 10.30am Good Friday for Children
11.45am Cytun Procession of Witness (meet at Town Hall) & outdoor service at Holy Trinity
2.00pm Good Friday Liturgy
Sun 5th Easter Day 5.30 am Easter Liturgy at St. Tudno's including lighting of the new Paschal Candle from a new fire, Vigil readings, renewal of Baptismal vows and the first Eucharist of Easter.
The service will be followed by a cooked breakfast: please sign the list in either of the churches if you would like breakfast (vegetarian alternative available) or would like or can offer a lift. 
8.00 am Holy Eucharist
10.30 am Sung Eucharist
5.00 pm  Evening Prayer (said with hymns)

Easter garden
Easter flowers
Easter flowers

The church was beautifully decorated for Easter.
Easter flowers
Easter flowers


Good Friday 2015

The Cytûn Procession of Witness on Good Friday was well attended and ended with an outdoor service in Holy Trinity's grounds.

Palm Sunday 2015

On Palm Sunday the weather was too poor for the usual procession outside the church accompanied by a donkey, so the Palm Procession took place inside. 

Lent 2015

Ash Wednesday
18 February
 9.00 am Eucharist with Imposition of Ashes
11.00 am Eucharist with Imposition of Ashes
12.00 noon  Lenten Lunch - proceeds to Christian Aid
 7.30 pm Eucharist with Imposition of Ashes
Beginning 25 February
 9.45 am Stations of the Cross for Children (and adults, too) - not on 11 March
7.00 pm Compline in the Chapel at St. David's Hospice, with Rhoscystennin Parish. 
Followed by discussion group on the Beatitudes
Beginning 27 February
12.00 noon  Half an hour of prayers and devotions in the Memorial Chapel.
A short midday office followed by reflectiond on the theme "Called to Serve", using material provided by the Diocese.
22 February
22 March
11.00 am  at St. Tudno's Church
Services for Lent

Parish Pilgrimage to St. David's, 10 - 12 March

This was part of the 150th Anniversary celebrations and 20 members of the parish took part.

Dean Jonathan of St. David's joined for dinner at a local hostelry and invited us for lunch at the Deanery.  We took part in Eucharist and Evensong services and Canon Dorrian led prayers at St. David's Shrine. We were given an excellent tour of  the Cathedral, visited Ty Perenin Pilgrimage Centre  and walked to St. Non's Well. 

Cornerstone logo
Parish pilgrimage 2015
Parish pilgrimage 2015
Parish pilgrimage 2015
Parish pilgrimage 2015
Parish pilgrimage 2015

Organ Recital, Tuesday 17 February
Holy Trinity Organist, Norman Rimmer, gave an organ recital to mark his 80th birthday and 26 years as Organist at Holy Trinity.  The recital lasted for about 40 minutes and, as it wasShrove Tuesday, pancakes were served afterwards in the church hall. 

Archdeacon at Holy Trinity  Inauguration of the 150th anniversary year

Sunday 11 January was the inauguration of the year of celebrations for the 150th anniversary of the laying of the cornerstone of Holy Trinity. 

This took place during the service celebrating the Baptism of Christ and the guest preacher was Archdeacon Paul of Bangor. 


                                                                           Cornerstone logo

Archdeacon Paul after the service.

Please see the other Holy Trinity and St. Tudno's archive files for information on and photographs of events and services from 2006 onwards. 

St. Tudno's Church: events in 2015

Carols by Candlelight
Sunday 20 December

There were three services this year, at 3.00 pm, 4.30 pm and 6.00 pm.  All were well attended and thoroughly enjoyed.  There are more photographs on the
St. Tudno's 2015 archive page

Nativity scene at St. Tudno's Church

Boer War Remembrance
Saturday 7 November

Men from the Llandudno area who lost their lives in the Boer War were remembered in a short service at St. Tudno's, which included laying wreaths at the memorial in the churchyard. 

Boer War Remembrance

Autumn Working Party
Saturday 17 October

The Friends of St. Tudno's were busy during the autumn Working Party.  The church was cleaned, litter cleared from the churchyard and cut grass raked as part of the wildlife conservation policy.  There are more photographs on the
Friends of St. Tudno's 2015 archive page. 

St. Tudno's working party

Harvest Festival
Sunday 27 September

The Harvest Festival Service was held in the afternoon and included a collection of tins and packets of food for Conwy Food Bank.  The service was followed by refreshments and marked the end of the summer service season for 2015. 

St. Tudno's Harvest Festival           St. Tudno's Harvest Festival

Pet Blessing Service, Sunday 28 June

Pet Blessing Service

The service was attended by a number of dogs, two cats (one of whom brought himself), a guinea pig and their owners.  There are more photographs on the St. Tudno's 2015 archive page All pets were blessed individually, by name. 

St. Tudno's Day, Friday 5 June
The annual St. Tudno's Day Pilgrimage walk took place from Holy Trinity to St. Tudno's, via St. Tudno's Well (visited by kind permisson of the landowners) and was followed by the St. Tudno's Day Eucharist. 

St. Tudno's Day pilgrimage

Spring working party, Saturday 16 June
The benches were set out for the summer service, the churchyard tidied and cut grass raked away.  The church was cleaned and there was time to relax and enjoy refreshments. 
Spring working party

Stations of the Resurrection, Sunday 26 April
This service included prayers and readings while walking around the churchyard.  We were blessed with beautiful weather for the service. 

Stations of the Resurrection service 2015

Easter Day, Sunday 5 April
The Easter Vigil was held at St. Tudno's at 5.30 am.  There are more photographs on the St. Tudno's 2015 archive page. 

Easter Vigil at St. Tudno's

The service included lighting of the new Paschal Candle from a new fire, Vigil readings, renewal of Baptismal vows and the first Eucharist of Easter. The service was followed by a cooked breakfast. 

Wednesday 1 April, 7.00 pm, A Service of Light and Shadows for Holy Week
During this service the old Paschal candle was extinguished.

Winter services

Over winter,
services at St. Tudno's were held once a month and were followed by hot drinks, cakes and fellowship.  The weather was beautiful for the March service and refreshments were shared outdoors, as it was warmer outside than in the church!

Refreshments after March service

Carols by Candlelight 2014
Sunday December 21 at 3.00 pm and at 5.00 pm.

Carols by Candlelight 2014, 3pm      Carols by Candlelight 2014, 5pm

There were two services as these are popular but the church is small.  Both services were very well attended, with 132 at 3.00 pm (left) and 102 (plus two dogs) at 5.00 pm (right). 

Please see the other Holy Trinity and St. Tudno's archive files for information on and photographs of events and services from 2006 onwards. 

Last updated: January 2016